
Showing posts from February, 2023

Ireland’s commissions and inquiries are set up just to protect the most corrupt and help destroy the most vulnerable.

  Ireland’s commissions and inquiries are set up just to protect the most corrupt and help destroy the most vulnerable. Commission after commission is being set up by the justice department etc. which does absolutely nothing. They are overpaid cronies and relatives being paid by the taxpayer to pretend they are doing something. They are not independent, and they cover up the truth, allowing the victims to suffer even more. They all are nothing but a waste of taxpayers’ money.   Examples: TD Nora Owen was furious over the completely fabricated finds by Gardaí. “ There is a flawed political approach to policing in Ireland.   €11 million in total was paid out to five victims of Garda abuse.   Just some of the reports carried out, that exposed Garda corruption etc. The Smithwichs Tribunal (Garda Collusion and cover ups) The Carty report (Gardaí planting guns/bombs, framing people etc.) The Murphy report (Framing of people) The Nally Report (Fr...
  #GSOC is #corrupt to the core and needs disbanding GSOC is not independent it is run by corrupt ex & retired gardai who are covering up for gardai stealing lying abusing people It has covered up protected disclosure exposing #corruption by senior #Gardai Ireland’s quangos protect the most corrupt and help destroy the most vulnerable. Quango after quango is being set up by the justice department etc. which does absolutely nothing. They are overpaid cronies and relatives being paid by the taxpayer to pretend they are doing something. They are not independent, and they cover up the truth, allowing the victims to suffer even more. They all should be disbanded as they are a waste of taxpayers’ money.   Examples:   Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission: GSOC Policing Authority: PA Legal Services Regulatory Authority: LSRA Irish Penal...

Labour TD Brendan Howlin, lies, appoints his relatives and cronies to top positions in the DPP's office etc.

  Howlin appoints his relatives and cronies to top-paid jobs  Of the 22 positions filled by Brendan #Howlin , the public expenditure and reform minister, none were advertised. This includes the 14 people given positions on the Appointments Services Board which was set up to centralise advertisements of such positions       Minister for Public Expenditure spent €47 on toilet sign in €47,000 office makeover A report in today’s Sunday Times shows a breakdown of the cost of refurbishing Brendan Howlin’s offices.     None of the six appointments made by Finance Minister Michael Noonan or the 15 decided by Brendan Howlin, the public expenditure minister, were advertised. Brendan Howlin's...