
Showing posts from October, 2022

The political appointed DPP's office exposed for what it is, POLITICAL. Wasting taxpayer's money on frivolous cases

  The politically appointed DPP's office exposed for what it is, POLITICAL.  Wasting millions of taxpayer's money on frivolous cases daily while letting real criminals who have connections and money walk free Another senior DPP executive #Tanya #Devitt in the #DPP 's office protected and all covered up, nothing to see here move along. This woman knows all about the #cocaine users and #criminals working in the DPP's office and she had access to everyone's personal details and made decisions, just moved sideways and all covered up. Gerard Hutch Not guilty is really the only verdict that makes sense in the Hutch trial. Taken at its highest, the evidence was never enough to prove murder. There's serious questions to be asked about why the State (politically appointed cronies and relatives) DPP solicitors did not pursue other, more realistic charges? Maybe if we had hones