The gardai can never be trusted to report the truth . Corruption is endemic within the force from the top down

Garda crime figures are a disgrace - how can anyone miss 234 deaths? We were being told Ireland is a low-crime country - when all along at the back of our mind we knew it was rampant The disclosure that gardai somehow missed 234 homicides and classified them as lesser crimes should shock, but it won’t. So should the fact senior civil servants earning as much as government ministers don’t know how to search their emails, especially damning ones relating to Sgt Maurice McCabe. And there we were being told Ireland is a low-crime country when all along at the back of our mind we knew it was rampant. Whistle blown on latest Garda ‘cover-up’ claim The background to all this is the refusal of the State’s statistical body, the CSO, to accept Garda figures relating to homicides because of concerns over the truthfulness and accuracy of those figures. ...