221 complaints against gardai all covered up by the justice department

221 complaints against Gardai all covered up by the justice department https://www.pressreader.com/uk/irish-daily-mail/20140702/281668253071484 She had "promoted a lot of people who complaints have been made about - your husband, your bridesmaid". https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/noirin-osullivan-denies-nepotism-claims-9030801 A must watch Evil Garda monster Paul Moody from Tallaght living in Celbridbe who physically mentally & financially abuses women Only a bit of the abuse is exposed here Moody should have been charged with the 35 charges #coverup by DPP & senior Gardai https://www.rte.ie/player/movie/taking-back-control/467184168223