More Innocent people framed by Gardai, in NBCI/ GNBCI & DPP solicitors in Ireland, and nothing from RTE again?

Exposed more innocent people framed by DPP solicitors & Gardai daily Gardai breaching people's rights daily: "Judge Ryan ruled that Lynn Margiotta’s rights had been breached because she was denied access to a solicitor in custody and her privacy had been breached by accessing her medical records without consent." "New investigation shows gardaĆ can violate our rights with no repercussions" Lorenzo Osmari framed by senior gardai and DPP solicitors in Ireland Lorenzo Osmari framed "he said he believes he was not the only innocent man locked up in Prison", very true Innocent people framed by Gardai, DPP solicitors and judges in Ireland Garda Whistleblowers and innocent people framed by detectives in...