Just some of the reports carried out at a cost of millions to the taxpayers , that exposed Garda corruption, framing. abuse etc that are being covered up by the justice department
The truth about how corrupt the gardai really are, which you will never see on RTE?
Just some of the reports carried out at a cost of millions to the taxpayers , that exposed Garda corruption, framing. abuse etc that are being covered up by the justice department
Just some of the reports carried out, that exposed Garda corruption etc.
The Smithwichs Tribunal (Garda Collusion and cover ups)
The Carty report (Gardaí planting guns/bombs, framing people etc.)
The Murphy report (Framing of people)
The Nally Report (Framing of Frank Shortt by Gardaí)
The Morris Tribunal/report (Framing McBreaties etc. for murder etc.)
The Hartnett Inquiry (Death of 14 year old in Garda custody)
The Barrington Report (Garda Assaults and Supt Mick Larkin cover-up)
The Lynch Tribunal/report (Kerry babies’ case, framing of Johanna Hayes)
The Barr Tribunal (Gardaí shooting dead of John Carthy)
The Ray McAndrew report (framing of Ian Bailey)
The McLochlainn Report (Gardaí shot dead a man)
The Cooke report (Gardaí bugging GSOC)
The Hickson report ( Garda cover up of a paedo Bill Keannelly)
Fennelly Report (found NBCI discussing breaking witnesses and altering statements to frame Ian Bailey)
The Disclosures Tribunal/report (Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan/Management framing Garda Whistle-blowers) cost over 10 million to the taxpayer Garda Homicide Investigation
Derek Penman report into cancelled 999 calls
Review Team: GHIRT Report by Ciaran Toland, SC, and James Byrne, BL covered up which exposed serious "worrying " problems
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