RTE hiding a serious amount of fraud, perjury, sexual abuse, Rape, framing and corruption etc by Gardai daily?
Hiding the truth from the public, this is why RTE needs to be shut down now, it can never be trusted it is solely a political broadcasting channel, covering up the truth daily
In the last 5 days, gardai have been exposed/convicted in very serious court cases and RTE Paul Reynolds has not covered one case? major cover-up by this so-called RTE journalist.
RTE Paul Reynolds father was a garda, he is covering up the truth daily at the same time destroying whistleblowers & innocent people
The 4th case this week exposing serious garda criminality & not a word from RTE
But #RTE & their stalker cameramen are happy to destroy & follow garda #whistleblowers on orders of senior #gardai in NBCI
Garda Eamon Moran convicted but NOT Jailed
Predator Garda John Egan of Drum Knock Mayo jailed for sexual assault & harassment
Another sexual #garda predator case all kept very quiet
Had this been a #whistleblower they would have been destroyed by #RTE, P William etc
Gardai are stealing money, property, drugs & people's lives daily, this is the tip of the iceberg
100k of drugs stolen in Cavan are still being covered up
gardacorruption coverup
4 Gardai to be charged over theft & abuse scam on foreign delivery drivers
Violent abusive garda in court and nothing from RTE?
Woman gets protection order against Garda husband after saying she fears for the lives of herself & her children
Woman alleges faeces was put on her toothbrush & she has been subject to financial sexual & emotional abuse throughout marriage
€7 million tax default by Gardai and nothing from #RTE?
Garda HQ settles €7m tax bill after audit on travel expenses
A Revenue audit revealed a discrepancy? in allowances paid to officers seconded to work at big events far away from their stations
Garda HQ settles €7 million tax bill after audit on travel expenses. Fraud deception and corruption all covered up by the Irish media again, #RTE?
#RTE? Nothing again
Garda David Kenneally (41) of Tulla Rd, Ennis was charged with careless driving, drink driving & frustrating a Garda prosecution
Then the political appointed #DPP solicitors did a deal with him & stuck out 2 charges
100K of drugs stolen by Gardai
All being covered up? RTE?
Judge Keenan Johnson imposed a three-year sentence, with the final two years suspended, on Garda Anthony Gath, 31, Bunaterin, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Nothing from RTE?
He had been found guilty in a trial earlier this year of sexually assaulting the female garda at her home on June 27, 2019.
The court heard Mr Gath had recently been dismissed from his position as a member of An Garda Siochana. He had worked in a different location from the victim in the Leinster area
3 Gardai convicted this week in the courts of serious crimes & not 1 mentioned by RTE? If they were Whistleblowers Paul Reynolds would be in court to destroy them
Garda Stephen Byrne dangerous driving & DD
Garda Anthony Gath Bunaterin Tullamore
Garda Thomas O'Rourke Kilmacanogue
Garda body settles six-figure tax penalty
In 2019 the GRA, which represents 10,500 rank & file gardai, reached a settlement of about €300,000 with Revenue after admitting it had not properly accounted for allowances paid to representatives
Retired senior garda to be sentenced over repeated sexual abuse of his sister
Garda Robert Hennessy was found guilty of assaulting social care worker & abuse campaigner Michael Finnegan
Former Sligo Garda (66) pleads guilty to demanding money with menaces (RTE ?)
Garda Charles Farrell of Carrowteane, Skreen, Co Sligo appeared before Judge Brendan O’Reilly in relation to charges that he aggressively demanded a percentage of money in relation to an insurance compensation claim from two men
RTE Nothing?
Garda Julie McColgan (33) of Bunn, Culkeeny, Malin, Co. Donegal gets suspended sentence for forgery and perjury
Serving Garda Joseph Doyle of Kilcock, Co Kildare to go on trial in connection with 111 alleged corruption and money laundering offenses
#RTE? Nothing ? Oh yes RTE only destroys innocent whistleblowers in the news https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/serving-garda-go-trial-connection-28549207
Garda to stand trial after man who tried to get fake passport convicted
Garda reserve Charles Eyombo,Cameroonian of Bru Na Gruadan, Castletroy charged with fraud
And nothing from RTE about the detective garda from NBCI who crashed a car high on drugs and drink?
Kerry Garda arrested over drug dealer, RTE Nothing again

What you will not see on RTE
"Baby John ‘probable mum’ is late garda’s daughter"
Mothers Brothers are also gardai?
Ex-senior garda who investigated sex crimes arrested over rape allegations
The secret life of vile ex-garda Stephen Cooper convicted of brutally assaulting women
The term of reference pertaining to this stated that Paul Reynolds’ reports had “branded [Sgt McCabe] a liar and irresponsible”.
Paul Reynolds’ had used the word “lied” in his reports
The claim that Ms O’Sullivan, whom the tribunal heard rose through the ranks of her respective career over 30 years with Mr Reynolds, was involved in Mr Reynolds’ reports came about because Sgt McCabe – in his protected disclosure – had claimed the head of HR in An Garda Siochana John Barrett told him Mr Reynolds’ reports would have come from “block one” in Garda HQ which is a reference to the Garda Commissioner’s office.
Sgt McCabe referred to his source, Mr Barrett, as an “impeccable authority”.
When Mr Barrett gave evidence to the tribunal, he denied ever telling Sgt McCabe that “block one” was the source of Paul Reynolds’ reports.
In two of his reports, Paul Reynolds used the word “lie”
A fourth matter pertaining to Mr Reynolds at the tribunal related to the evidence of Dublin City University professor and journalist Colum Kenny.
Mr Kenny claimed Mr Reynolds, along with the Irish Independent‘s Tom Brady, told him that Sgt McCabe was being investigated for child abuse in early 2014.
Both Mr Reynolds and Mr Brady denied this.
Mr Kenny and Mr Reynolds’ conflict on this matter was one of a number of incidences where journalists relayed conflicting accounts to Judge Peter Charleton.
Judge Charleton ultimately did not attempt to resolve this conflict, or that of Mr Kenny and Mr Brady.
Judge Charleton didn’t even record Mr Kenny’s claim to the tribunal about Paul Reynolds in his report. (Of course not , coverup)
Nothing from RTE?
Former probationer garda spared conviction for falsifying witness statement
Judge cites need to balance interests of law and justice as he strikes out charge against Garda Dearbhla Gilhooley (32), of Athlumney Castle, Navan, Co Meath
RTE ? Nothing again?
Garda suspended for bike loan assisted whistleblower colleague, was identified in tribunal
"The Sunday Times", 12 February 2017:
Name and shame the rumour-mongers who slurred Maurice McCabe
On April 12, 2014, the Irish Independent published a report beneath the headline: "Girl wants new probe into alleged sexual assault by garda." Written by Paul Williams, a crime correspondent, it said: "A young woman who was allegedly sexually assaulted as a child by a serving garda claims the incident was covered up through a botched investigation. The woman claims she was six when a colleague of her garda father abused her. Both men are still serving members of the force."
Any journalist who had contemplated reporting on the allegations of misconduct being made by the whistleblower Sgt Maurice McCabe recognised him as the unidentified garda in Williams's story. For we had been warned to treat McCabe with the utmost suspicion. Generally, it was crime reporters who received the warning from their garda sources, and relayed a tread-carefully SOS to non-crime beat colleagues, who get shorter shrift from the garda press office. The former head of that office, Superintendent David Taylor, has alleged he was instructed to traduce McCabe in briefings to journalists. In defamation law, to call someone a child sexual abuser is the most serious allegation you can make, being devoid of any possible justification.
On April 15 that year, Williams filed a second report, this one headlined: "Alleged garda sex victim wants to meet Martin." It said the woman was seeking a meeting with Micheál Martin, noting that the Fianna Fail leader had previously referred a dossier of alleged garda malpractice to the taoiseach. That dossier triggered an inquiry by Seán Guerin, a senior counsel, whose report was published on May 9, 2014, leading to Alan Shatter's resignation as justice minister and the establishment of the Fennelly Commission.
Martin Callinan had already resigned as garda commissioner, following a protracted controversy about malpractice in the force. Nóirín O'Sullivan had been appointed acting commissioner, until the position officially became hers on November 25, 2014.
On May 5, Williams filed a third report, following a meeting between the woman and Martin. "Kenny to set up probe into garda sex abuse claims," the headline wrongly forecast. It quoted a spokesman for Martin as saying: "He listened closely to what she had to say and he took her allegations very seriously and he has written to the taoiseach." Williams said the woman was due to meet investigators from the Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc) and that she was taking legal advice about taking court action for damages.
Referring to the garda investigation of her complaint, Williams added: "A file was sent to the DPP who decided the officer did not have a case to answer." In fact, the DPP's instruction to gardai was more succinct. It said: "No offence disclosed."
Williams's reports began appearing in the same month that Tusla, the state's child and family agency, created separate files on McCabe and each of his children, erroneously stating that he stood accused of penetrative child sexual assault. McCabe was oblivious to the existence of this information, available to garda colleagues on the force's Pulse intelligence system. He had been barred from accessing Pulse by a superior officer in late 2012 after he and John Wilson, a former garda, revealed that senior officers were quashing penalty points for favoured motorists.
Why, one wonders, would a garda's daughter who believed herself the victim of a garda cover-up contact a crime writer known to have contacts at the highest level of the force? If, on the other hand, it was Williams who made the approach to her, who gave the journalist her name and contact details? Furthermore, after Enda Kenny received Martin's letter about the woman's allegations, did Martin, the taoiseach or his staff contact Tusla to alert the child protection agency? If so, did Tusla tell them it already had individual files on McCabe's family? The choreography is the key to understanding the significance of these Kafkaesque events. In December 2015, Tusla contacted McCabe, saying it had information he might be a danger to children, on foot of a counsellor's erroneous complaint relating to the same woman. At that time, Kevin O'Higgins, a retired High Court judge appointed to investigate McCabe's complaints of substandard garda investigations in the Cavan/Monaghan division, was preparing his draft report for the government.
It was also just weeks after a failed bid to discredit McCabe behind the closed doors of O'Higgins's commission. As Michael Clifford revealed in the Irish Examiner last May, O'Sullivan's senior counsel was planning to question McCabe's motivation and credibility arising out of a meeting in 2008 during which it was alleged he admitted being motivated by a grudge against a senior colleague. McCabe had said no such thing, as O'Higgins acknowledged after the sergeant produced a recording of the 2008 meeting.
Even after Clifford's story was published, the whispering campaign continued. Garda sources told their journalist contacts the reported smearing of McCabe at the commission was untrue and evidence would emerge to disprove it. Ten months later, that evidence has not materialised. Luckily for the top brass, O'Higgins's report never mentioned the exchanges about McCabe's motivation or the 2008 meeting.
Two days before the report was published on May 11, the RTE crime correspondent Paul Reynolds reported extensively from exclusively leaked extracts that Higgins had found McCabe "prone to exaggeration, and while some of his complaints were upheld, others were proven to be overstated, exaggerated, unfounded and ultimately withdrawn".
None of this is to impute wrongdoing by Williams, Reynolds or their colleagues. Journalists rely on contacts for information. Protecting sources' anonymity is a cherished principle of the trade. But, in this case, trust was demolished in the relationship between some journalists and their sources. The debt is cancelled.
Even in media outlets that refrained from reporting the spurious claims, the campaign to vilify McCabe exerted a chilling effect and is partly the reason this controversy has gone on for years. Apart from the anguish this caused the sergeant, his wife and their children, the relentless denigration of McCabe put the safety of Irish citizens at risk by deterring urgent examination of what is rotten in the country's law enforcement. That is not to mention how such a vicious campaign has accelerated the disintegration of public morality.
We journalists, even if inadvertently, facilitated it by not properly interrogating the false rumours against McCabe. There is an onus on us now to correct the record. We can start by dispensing with the shield of protecting our sources. Why protect a source on whom you cannot rely to tell the truth? Those of us who know the identities of the rumour-mongers have a duty to go to the Charleton Commission and name those names. Journalists' first obligation is to the truth.
Not a word from RTE?
DPP and Gardai hiding vital & very important evidence again, that could cost the state another lawsuit for breaching people's rights to know
The Ditch can reveal that a county Westmeath man pleaded guilty this month to possession of a shotgun last year that should’ve been in garda custody.
Gardaí previously seized the gun in 2009 before it went missing.
The DPP and An Garda Síochána won’t say if and when they informed the man’s legal team that the shotgun should have been with gardaí since it had been seized.
‘It was recorded as being in their possession’
On August 9, 2023, 54-year-old John Nevin and his 32-year-old son David Nevin were arrested after allegedly failing to stop their car for gardaí.
The Nevins, both from Mullingar in county Westmeath, appeared before a special sitting of Longford District Court the following day.
Here it was further alleged during the chase in Mullingar that ended on foot, the men discarded a shotgun and cartridges in a plastic bag that was recovered by gardaí at the scene.
Gardaí discovered two days after the firearm’s seizure that it was recorded as being in their custody since 2009 after being seized during a raid on a property in Leinster.
The DPP and An Garda Síochána declined to comment when asked by The Ditch if and when they had notified the Nevins’ solicitor of this development.
An internal investigation is underway into the disappearance of the firearm from garda custody, as reported by the Irish Times.
On 9 April this year, John Nevin pleaded guilty to possession of the shotgun when he was arraigned before Mullingar Circuit Criminal Court.
Nevin was remanded on bail pending the preparation of a probation report and is due to appear before the court again in June for a pre-sentence mitigation plea.
RTE Nothing?
Garda Fiona Somers was arrested and charged
RTE Nothing again?
A specialist garda has been sent forward for trial after being charged with making a false report of burglary, including the theft of jewellery.
Garda Fiona Somers (47), with an address in Sallins, Co Kildare, is attached to the Special Detective Unit (SDU).
Her case came before the circuit criminal court on March 15 and has now been sent forward for jury trial next February 24.
Gda Somers, who has been suspended, is accused of insurance fraud against Allianz Insurance Ireland.
Kilo of cocaine worth €70k 'inadvertently destroyed' by gardai following garda raid in Dublin ?
Another RTE predator, Justin Greene, aged 52, from Enfield in Co Meath, was protected by the media, especially after pleading guilty in 2022?
How many sexual predators are now convicted that worked in RTE?
Not a mention from RTE?
Garda Luke Rochford from Killiney, Dublin is charged with 15 charges of theft and illegal possession of military-grade material

RTE nothing again
Garda jailed for taking ‘covert’ car on unauthorised trips home
The same Garda Ciaran Whelan from Store Street station is also charged with 2 burglaries, false Imprisonment and Perverting the Course Justice
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