Just some of the Gardai convicted this year of serious crimes

 Just some of the Gardai convicted this year of serious crimes, many protected by RTE? No address or picture of many why?

A lot of gardai coerce people to lie in statements and in court and it is ignored by DPP solicitors and Judges daily etc

Still serving Garda William Ryan gets convicted of FALSE IMPRISONMENT & 3 COUNTS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT & not one paper media had his pic on the front page?


Wexford retired garda Maurice O Carroll who falsely accused former wife's solicitor of genocide is jailed for threats to kill


Corrupt garda Joseph Doyle who used Kentstown bus tragedy as excuse for demanding money for bogus brake tests jailed


Garda sergeant Cathal Middleton jailed for sexually assaulting young woman in her bed


Garda thug Robert Hennessy found guilty of assaulting social worker & walks?Nothing from RTE, No picture of Garda Robert Hennessy, why?

Disgraceful, convicted garda assaults a person, lies & demands another garda lie & he walks free? Sgt William Doyle has been ordered joust to complete 80 hrs of community service? RTE has no address or picture, why?


Garda Ciaran Whelan jailed for taking ‘covert’ car on unauthorised trips has now retired, Nothing from RTE?


Tullamore Circuit Court heard that Garda Anthony Gath (31), of Bunaterin, Tullamore, Co Offaly, has been dismissed from the force.

He was found guilty of sexually assaulting the female garda at her home in June 2019

Nothing from RTE? No picture despite sexually assaulting another garda?


Garda John Egan jailed for sexual assault was investigated over alleged €10k immigration bribes

Nothing from RTE? No picture despite sexually assaulting another garda?


Garda David Kenneally convicted of careless driving after collision with taxi on way home from pub. No picture and no mention from RTE?


Garda Holly Lane jailed for stealing €70 cannabis exhibit from station while drunk at work


Dublin Mark Doyle garda pleads guilty to assault causing harm to three people

Former Garda Kevin Galvin, Previously Convicted for Breaching Fire-Safety, Rented Out Homes Using a False Name



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